Lyn is a geek-turned-policy analyst for a non-profit, science-and-technology-oriented, think-tank-type organization in Washington D.C. She has spent the past decade working on a range of information technology policy topics, including information security, software, identity, and privacy. She has had a weblog since 1999--even before they were called "blogs" and has many, many opinions about weblogs, weblog history, and social networking generally which she'd be happy to share over drinks sometime.
Her graduate work was in computer science at Cornell University. She misses Ithaca, the farmer's market there, and the wineries, but not the weather. Her undergraduate work was at Colby College in Maine. She is a native Mainer who still shops at L.L. Bean and misses the people, the evergreens, and the scenery, but, again, not the weather! She lives with her husband and son in northern Virginia and thinks the weather here is ok, if a bit muggy at times.
You can follow the minutiae of her day-to-day at Twitter, since having a pre-schooler means she rarely has time to update her weblog anymore.